76cellular: 2011
counter76cellular jl.veteran no.76 lamongan jawatimur, GOD Bless You!

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011


melintasi kota lamongan tidaklah lengkap apabila tidak merasakan soto REK....!
kunjungilah Soto dengan rasa yang maknyussssss hanya di:

Jl.veteran no. 76 & di area parkir stasiun kereta api kota lamongan
terimakasih atas kunjungan dan partisipasi anda....

salam korsa,

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

deteksi error melalui BIOS

Saat komputer dihidupkan, BIOS melakukan POST (power-on self test). POST diperlukan untuk memastikan sistem berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya dan juga mencari informasi hardware apa saja yang ada pada komputer. Saat BIOS mendeteksi ada masalah saat POST, BIOS akan mengirimkan pesan kesalahan (error messages).
Pada beberapa kasus, masalah tersebut dapat di deteksi lebih awal sehingga BIOS tidak dapat mengakses video card dan tidak dapat menampilkan pesan kesalahan tersebut.
Jika seperti ini yang terjadi, BIOS akan mengeluarkan suara ‘bip’ yang memiliki pola tertentu yang sesuai dengan kesalahan yang diidentifikasinya.
Suara ‘bip’ tunggal saat proses booting setelah tampilnya pesan startup pada monitor adalah normal dan tidak ada kegagalan. ‘Bip’ yang dimaksud disini adalah yang dihasilkan pada saat prosedur POST belum selesai dan belum ada informasi apapun yang ditampilkan pada layar. Kode ‘Bip’ BIOS ini bergantung tipe dan BIOS yang Anda miliki. Yang populer adalah AMI dan Award BIOS. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini hanya membahas kedua tipe BIOS tersebut.
1 X suara BIP
Kegagalan refresh DRAM. Sistem mempunyai masalah mengakses memori untuk merefreshnya.
2 X
Kegagalan rangkain parity. Pada data yang ditransmisikan dalam komputer, biasanya ditambahkan parity bit yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi dan koreksi error. Pekerjaan ini dilakukan rangkaian parity yang terdapat dalam komputer. Hal ini kemungkinan disebabkan adanya masalah pada memori atau motherboard.
3 X
Kegagalan base memori 64K. Base memori 64K adalah 64 KB memori yang pertama pada RAM. Kegagalan ini bisa disebabkan slot memori yang dikelompokkan dalam modul yang memiliki chip rusak.
4 X
Kegagalan system timer. Kemungkinan terdapat kesalahan pada satu atau lebih timer yang digunakan untuk mengontrol fungsi-fungsi pada motherboard.
5 X
Kegagalan prosesor. Dapat disebabkan panas berlebih, atau karena prosesor tidak terpasang benar ke dalam socketnya.
6 X
Kegagalan keyboard controller/gate A20. Keyboard controller adalah chip pada motherboard yang mengedalikan keyboard Anda.
7 X
Kesalahan prosesor.
8 X
Kesalahan baca/tulis memory display.
9 X
Kerusakan BIOS.
10 X
Kesalahan CMOS.
11 X
Kerusakan cache memori.
15 X
Lembiru (Lempar Beli Baru)
Award lebih menyukai pesan lewat monitor. Tapi ada saatnya video card tidak berfungsi dan pesan ditampilkan menggunakan kode bip tersebut. Oleh karena itu, kode bip pada BIOS tipe ini lebih sedikit. Kode bip pada BIOS ini juga seperti tanda morse, mengkombinasikan bip panjang dan pendek.
1 bip panjang
Masalah pada memori. Kemungkinannya adalah memori tidak terpasang benar, atau juga chip memori rusak. Bisa juga berhubungan dengan kerusakan motherboard.
1 bip panjang, 2 bip pendek
Kesalahan sistem video. BIOS tidak dapat mengakses sistem video untuk menuliskan pesan error ke layar. Ada beberapa kemungkinan, antara lain video card dipasang pada sistem yang sudah ada video card on-board, atau menggunakan IRQ yang sudah terpakai untuk video card tersebut sehingga terjadi konflik. Kemungkinan lain, video card tidak terpasang dengan baik.
1 bip panjang, 3 bip pendek
Sama seperti di atas, ada kesalahan pada video. BIOS tidak dapat mengakses sistem video untuk menampilkan pesan kesalahan ke layar.
Suara bip sambung menyambung
Dapat disebabkan memori atau video card.
Ada beberapa pedoman umum yang dapat digunakan untuk setiap BIOS. Pedoman umum ini hanya dapat digunakan untuk kesalahan yang terdeteksi sebelum dan saat Power On Self Test (POST). Kita sudah mengenal prosedur yang dilakukan computer saat mulai dihidupkan, dan ini akan sangat membantu dalam mendiagnosa masalah yang ada.
Pertama kali saat komputer dinyalakan, power supply akan mengirimkan daya ke semua komponen. Bila pada saat dinyalakan tidak ada reaksi apapun, maka periksalah power supply internal yang terletak pada komputer Anda. Untuk mengetesnya, kita bisa menggunakan LED (Light Emiting Diode) dan kemudian pasang pada POWER LED connector. Jika nyala, berarti power supply masih bagus.
Kemudian, jika semua komponen sudah mendapat daya yang cukup, prosesor akan bekerja mencari intruksi. Ia akan mencari intruksi ini pada ROM BIOS. Untuk prosesor, kemungkinannya adalah panas yang berlebih akibat overclock atau posisi tidak sempurna. Untuk BIOS, kemungkinannya kecil bahwa letak chip BIOS tidak sempurna.
Cek BIOS dapat dilakukan pada komputer lain. Beberapa virus sudah dapat merusak program BIOS. Jika POST mau berlanjut tapi tidak selesai, kemungkinan besar masalah ada pada motherboard. Untuk yang ini, ada beberapa langkah yang harus dilakukan :
Jika PC tidak mau booting sama sekali, pastikan komponen minim sudah terpasang, yaitu prosesor, memori terisi dengan tepat, video card, dan sebuah drive, dan pastikan semua komponen ini terpasang dengan benar. Komponen yang tersolder tidak boleh ada yang hilang.
Lepaskan komponen-komponen yang tidak wajib, seperti ekspansi card, peripheral eksternal seperti printer, scanner dan lain-lain, karena pemasangan yang tidak benar dapat menyebabkan I/O error. Kemudian hidupkan sistem, dan coba pasang satu-persatu card tersebut untuk mengujinya.
Cek ulang setting jumper pada motherboard. Pastikan tipe prosesor, bus speed, multiplier, dan jumper tegangan. Dan pastikan juga jumper BIOS berada pada posisi semestinya.
Ubah setting BIOS ke setting default untuk memastikan masalah tidak terletak pada setting BIOS yang berlebihan. Contohnya dengan menurunkan read/write access time memori dan hard disk. Cek semua koneksi kabel pada motherboard sudah benar. Cek apakah ada komponen yang mengalami panas berlebih. Jika ada, ubah setting BIOS dan setting yang lebih rendah.
Untuk kasus 1, 2, dan 3 kali bunyi bip, cobalah perbaiki posisi memori dahulu. Jika masih terjadi, ada kemungkinan memori rusak. Ganti dengan memori baru.
Untuk 4, 5, 7 dan 10 kali bip, motherboard rusak dan harus diperbaiki atau diganti. Untuk 6 kali bip, coba perbaiki posisi chip keyboard controller. Jika masih ada error, gantilah chip keyboard tersebut.
8 kai bip menandakan memori error pada video adapter. Ganti video card.
9 kali bip menandakan kegagalan chip BIOS. Biasanya bukan disebabkan posisi kurang sempurna.
11 kali bip, ganti cache memori.
15 kali bip, ganti sel (Seluruhnya

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

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Size: 2.40 MB
Download: Chipset.exe

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Size: 6.75 MB
Download: Intel-Sata.exe

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Size: 13.27 MB
Download: Intel_Display.exe

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Description: AMD Sata Storage Manager Driver Windows XP
Size: 5.24 MB
Download: AMD-Sata.exe

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Size: 39.99 MB
Download: ATI_Display.exe

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Description: Bluetooth Driver for Windows XP
Size: 46.89 MB
Download: Bluetooth.rar (Use winrar to extract)

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Description: Infra Red ENE CIR Driver for Windows XP
Size: 4.77 MB
Download: Infrared.exe

Compaq Presario CQ40 Audio Driver For Win XP

Description: Audio Driver for Windows XP
Size: 55.17 MB
Download: Audio.rar (Use winrar to extract)

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Description: HDMI Audio Driver for Windows XP
Size: 16.18 MB
Download: HDMI.exe

Compaq Presario CQ40 Touchpad Driver For Win XP

Description: Touchpad Alps Driver for Windows XP
Size: 3.42 MB
Download: Touchpad_Alps.exe

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Description: Realtek Lan Card driver for Windows XP
Size: 9.83 MB
Download: Lan_driver.zip

Compaq Presario CQ40 Card Reader Driver For Win XP

Description: Card Reader JMB38X driver for Windows XP
Size: 3.49 MB
Download: Card-Reader.exe

Compaq Presario CQ40 Modem Driver For Win XP

Description: Modem Driver for Windows XP
Size: 6.24 MB
Download: Modem.exe

Compaq Presario CQ40 Broadcom Wireless Driver for Win XP

Description: Broadcom Wireless WLAN Driver For Windows XP
Size: 7.26 MB
Download: WLAN_Broadcom.exe

Compaq Presario CQ40 Intel Wireless WLAN Driver for Win XP

Description: Intel Wifi Wireless WLAN Driver for Windows XP
Size: 27.79 MB
Download: WLAN_Intel.exe

Compaq Presario CQ40 Quick Launch Buttons Driver For Win XP

Description: HP Quick Launch Buttons Driver for Windows XP (First install Microsoft Dot Net)
Size: 20.14 MB
Download: HP-Quick-Launch.exe

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

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Windows Xp Corporate ED. Service Pack 1 :: 2005-01-25 :: 49
Windows XP dell home :: 2005-07-26 :: 23
Windows XP Fundamentals for Legacy PCs (FLP) :: 2009-05-18 :: 70
Windows Xp Genuine :: 2009-12-11 :: 32
Windows Xp Home :: 2009-02-17 :: 36
Windows XP Home :: 2011-02-23 :: 5
Windows XP Home :: 2010-12-28 :: 37
Windows XP Home (Microlink) :: 2011-01-25 :: 0
Windows XP Home Edidtion PL :: 2005-05-21 :: 47
Windows XP Home Edition :: 2010-10-05 :: 44
Windows XP Home Edition :: 2006-10-14 :: 31
Windows XP Home Edition (FINAL) :: 2005-04-30 :: 9
Windows XP Home Edition - VF Version :: 2008-12-12 :: 42
Windows XP home edition and professional edition :: 2009-08-03 :: 25
Windows xp home edition dutch :: 2005-02-05 :: 37
Windows XP Home Edition HP OEM Serial :: 2010-10-29 :: 47
Windows XP Home Edition NEC :: 2009-04-02 :: 25
Windows xp Home Edition Nor :: 2005-01-29 :: 21
Windows XP Home Edition OEM fujitsu siemens computers :: 2009-04-21 :: 33
Windows XP Home Edition S.P.2 TR Version :: 2007-04-26 :: 47
Windows Xp Home Edition SP1(100% Working!) :: 2007-07-01 :: 37
windows xp home edition sp2 :: 2005-06-13 :: 30
Windows xp home edition spanish :: 2005-01-23 :: 38
Windows Xp Home Edition Upgrade :: 2008-06-10 :: 36
Windows XP Home Edition [ASUS] :: 2009-02-17 :: 23
Windows XP Home Editon :: 2011-04-12 :: 50
Windows xp home full original :: 2005-07-13 :: 31
Windows XP Home Hellenic SP2 :: 2005-01-29 :: 51
Windows XP Home Retail(Internet Source) :: 2008-04-03 :: 20
Windows XP Home SP3 :: 2010-03-16 :: 41
Windows XP Media Center :: 2010-09-05 :: 44
Windows XP Media Center :: 2008-04-04 :: 27
Windows XP Media Center 2002 (MCE) :: 2008-10-13 :: 7
Windows XP Media Center 2005 :: 2008-09-14 :: 32
Windows XP Media Center 2005 SP2 :: 2005-09-26 :: 41
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 :: 2007-03-25 :: 52
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 NL Dutch :: 2006-08-09 :: 38
Windows XP Media Centre 2006 :: 2007-01-14 :: 12
Windows XP Microsoft Genuine :: 2009-10-05 :: 41
Windows XP Mode :: 2010-12-28 :: 0
Windows XP OEM Home Edition 2002 SP1 (working) :: 2006-08-04 :: 30
Windows XP Original SP2 :: 2006-09-08 :: 31
Windows XP Pro :: 2005-05-21 :: 34
Windows XP Pro (x64) :: 2009-07-27 :: 32
Windows Xp Pro + Sp2 :: 2008-01-07 :: 27
Windows XP Pro - SP1 - SP2 :: 2005-01-10 :: 32
Windows XP Pro - SP2/SP3 :: 2010-05-27 :: 39
Windows XP pro 64bit Ed :: 2006-10-14 :: 9
Windows XP Pro 64bit Edition :: 2005-01-23 :: 13
Windows XP Pro and Home *LEGAL KEYS* :: 2005-02-10 :: 31
Windows XP Pro Corporate Br SP2 :: 2005-08-05 :: 39
Windows XP pro Danish :: 2009-01-22 :: 7
Windows XP Pro English :: 2008-06-07 :: 35
Windows XP Pro for Developers :: 2005-01-23 :: 25
Windows xp pro FR :: 2008-11-10 :: 11
Windows XP Pro HUN :: 2005-04-30 :: 37
Windows XP Pro HUN (wxphusp2) :: 2006-07-02 :: 47
Windows XP Pro incl. SP1 :: 2005-04-06 :: 29
Windows XP pro Original CD keys :: 2009-01-11 :: 41
Windows xp pro performance edition dec 2009 :: 2010-02-10 :: 26
Windows XP Pro SP3 :: 2007-10-09 :: 38
Windows xp pro sp3 (vlk) :: 2008-06-10 :: 59
Windows Xp Pro SP3 Extreme Edition IV Pt br Original :: 2008-07-07 :: 40
Windows XP Pro SP3 Genuine Key :: 2008-10-13 :: 30
Windows XP Pro SP3 Integrated Jul 08 With Genuine Key :: 2008-10-13 :: 35
Windows XP Pro TR :: 2005-03-11 :: 22
Windows XP pro v2000 Service Pack 2 :: 2008-09-05 :: 52
Windows XP Pro VLK :: 2008-02-15 :: 43
Windows Xp Pro VLK :: 2010-01-30 :: 33
Windows XP Pro w/SP2 Ita :: 2008-01-07 :: 37
Windows XP Pro X64bit Edition 64 bit FINAL WORKING :: 2005-05-10 :: 41
Windows XP Pro. VLK :: 2007-03-28 :: 20
Windows XP prof 2010.nov. :: 2010-11-05 :: 61
Windows XP Prof. 2 CPU - OEM :: 2007-11-03 :: 9
Windows XP Profesional :: 2005-01-25 :: 31
Windows xp profesional con service park 2 :: 2006-01-04 :: 26
Windows XP Profesional Service Pack 1 :: 2005-01-25 :: 42
windows xp profesional version2002 service pack 2 :: 2008-05-23 :: 20
Windows XP Profesional+Service Pack 2 (Corporate Edition) :: 2005-03-17 :: 35
Windows Xp Professional :: 2007-02-26 :: 35
Windows XP Professional :: 2010-02-05 :: 44
Windows XP Professional (Corp Edition) (6in1) GBJinc. :: 2006-06-23 :: 8
Windows XP Professional (SP 3) :: 2007-01-30 :: 8
Windows XP Professional (volume license) :: 2007-03-18 :: 48
Windows XP Professional - VLK - Angola :: 2009-12-11 :: 35
Windows XP Professional 1 - 2CPU OEM Product :: 2011-02-07 :: 47
Windows XP Professional 1-2 cpu HP :: 2010-02-10 :: 51
Windows XP Professional 1-2 CPU OEM E85-00913 :: 2005-05-12 :: 58
Windows Xp Professional 2011 :: 2011-01-25 :: 26
Windows Xp Professional 64 Bit Edition :: 2006-02-15 :: 30
Windows XP Professional 64-bit :: 2008-01-24 :: 55
Windows XP Professional 64-bit 64 :: 2009-02-06 :: 44
Windows XP Professional Cooperate UK :: 2006-02-24 :: 38
Windows XP Professional Corp WGA :: 2006-02-19 :: 37
Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition :: 2007-08-31 :: 56
Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition :: 2010-11-03 :: 31
Windows Xp Professional Dell -Legit :: 2008-12-12 :: 35
Windows XP Professional French :: 2007-01-09 :: 31
Windows XP Professional Media Center Edition :: 2009-09-04 :: 38
Windows Xp Professional National Instruments Version :: 2009-10-11 :: 27
Windows XP professional No-SP :: 2009-06-15 :: 40
Windows XP Professional OEM Original Key (Recovery HP, Siemens, Dell etc.) :: 2010-03-22 :: 60
Windows Xp Professional Original Key! :: 2010-12-09 :: 34
windows xp professional service pack 2 :: 2008-02-04 :: 41
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Volume License) :: 2007-03-18 :: 46
Windows XP Professional sp.2 original :: 2009-10-08 :: 40
Windows XP Professional SP2 :: 2007-03-22 :: 30
Windows XP Professional SP2 (Genuine i Promise) :: 2007-04-27 :: 36
Windows XP Professional SP2 Corp :: 2007-02-22 :: 45
Windows XP Professional SP2 Español :: 2007-07-01 :: 50
Windows XP Professional SP2 ORIGINALSERIENNUMMER :: 2008-10-13 :: 42
Windows XP professional sp2 Poland :: 2007-01-06 :: 38
Windows xp professional sp2 v. 2002 :: 2005-02-17 :: 23
Windows XP Professional SP2-SP3 :: 2009-11-17 :: 32
Windows XP Professional SP3 :: 2008-04-28 :: 44
Windows Xp Professional SP3 :: 2009-12-13 :: 77
Windows XP Professional SP3 2008 :: 2010-11-05 :: 55
Windows XP Professional SP3 PL :: 2009-10-15 :: 28
Windows XP Professional SP3 (Original) :: 2010-07-23 :: 37
Windows XP Professional SP3 *Deutsch* :: 2009-01-11 :: 42
Windows XP Professional SP3 Portugal-Portuguese :: 2008-10-13 :: 43
Windows XP Professional SP3 V.5512 Final :: 2008-06-22 :: 29
Windows XP Professional Toshiba bundle :: 2006-02-26 :: 35
Windows XP Professional VLK :: 2009-04-21 :: 49
Windows XP Professional VLM :: 2010-02-05 :: 47
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 Español :: 2009-09-29 :: 22
Windows xp professional x 64 version 5.2.3790.3959 :: 2009-04-05 :: 11
Windows XP Professional x64 (Working) :: 2008-06-21 :: 31
Windows XP Professional x64 Corporate Edition :: 2005-12-01 :: 59
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition :: 2010-02-13 :: 43
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition :: 2007-03-22 :: 20
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition - Download Quantity: 1 :: 2005-02-05 :: 14
Windows XP Professional X86 :: 2008-05-21 :: 26
Windows XP Professional [PL/ENG] :: 2009-02-28 :: 25
Windows XP Professional(SP2,SP1) :: 2008-04-21 :: 46
Windows XP Professionnel FR :: 2006-07-16 :: 23
Windows xp profissional sp2 :: 2007-03-28 :: 40
Windows XP rus Corporate :: 2005-12-27 :: 32
Windows XP Service Pack (3) :: 2009-10-08 :: 58
Windows Xp Service Pack 2 :: 2006-09-19 :: 40
Windows XP Service Pack 2 Professional :: 2007-04-26 :: 43
Windows XP Service Pack 2 SP2 GERMAN :: 2006-05-31 :: 23
Windows Xp Service Pack 3 :: 2011-02-14 :: 21
Windows XP Service Pack 3 español :: 2010-01-26 :: 46
Windows XP Service Pack 3 SERIAL :: 2009-01-26 :: 35
Windows XP SP 2 (works with windows update) :: 2007-12-07 :: 42
Windows Xp Sp 3 Genuine :: 2009-03-25 :: 31
Windows Xp SP1 to SP 2 All Version :: 2005-08-18 :: 20
Windows XP SP1/2 work on CZ/EN :: 2005-04-30 :: 39
Windows XP SP2 :: 2007-03-10 :: 30
WINDOWS XP SP2 !!Legalize!! :: 2007-09-16 :: 36
Windows Xp Sp2 ( all in one) :: 2005-11-14 :: 25
Windows XP SP2 (German) :: 2006-01-04 :: 24
Windows xp sp2 build 5.1.2600 (Genuine) :: 2006-11-27 :: 28
Windows XP SP2 Esp [Omarux64] :: 2006-07-10 :: 26
Windows XP SP2 Español :: 2006-05-03 :: 47
Windows XP SP2 PL professional :: 2007-01-06 :: 9
Windows Xp SP2 Pro :: 2007-04-17 :: 17
Windows xp sp2 TR :: 2006-02-06 :: 47
Windows XP SP2 Validado :: 2007-04-15 :: 27
Windows xp sp2- genuine key :: 2007-06-14 :: 29
Windows XP SP2b :: 2007-07-01 :: 8
Windows xp sp3 :: 2008-06-10 :: 34
Windows XP SP3 :: 2009-02-06 :: 18
Windows Xp Sp3 v.3244 :: 2007-12-29 :: 13
Windows Xp SP3 100% Genuine :: 2008-09-23 :: 33
Windows XP SP3 By_LO_L :: 2009-08-31 :: 38
Windows xp sp3 cz :: 2008-05-12 :: 40
Windows Xp sp3 Deutsch 2002 :: 2009-02-28 :: 6
Windows XP SP3 OEM 32bit :: 2008-11-06 :: 41
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition :: 2009-06-04 :: 41
Windows XP Third Edition With SP2 :: 2005-12-01 :: 25
Windows Xp Ultimate Edition 2007 :: 2007-08-20 :: 18
Windows XP used in schools. :: 2009-10-07 :: 33
Windows XP VLK :: 2005-05-21 :: 34
Windows XP VLK Genuine :: 2010-05-25 :: 11
Windows XP Volume License :: 2010-02-05 :: 61
Windows XP x 64 edition :: 2006-12-11 :: 34
Windows XP x64 :: 2005-12-19 :: 51
Windows XP x64 bit edition :: 2005-11-11 :: 23
Windows XP x64 Corporate Genuine CD KEY :: 2008-07-01 :: 69
Windows XP x64BiT Professional :: 2005-05-30 :: 43
Windows7 Home Edition32 :: 2010-02-26 :: 20
Windows7 ultimate :: 2011-01-13 :: 22
Windows7 Ultimate 32/64 :: 2010-09-05 :: 15
Windows7 Ultimate 32/64 :: 2009-11-06 :: 30
WIndows7 Ultimate 64bit ENG :: 2011-03-16 :: 14
windows98 :: 2006-10-02 :: 46
windowsBlind :: 2009-04-21 :: 27
Windowsblinds 4.5 :: 2005-03-20 :: 39
Windowsblinds 5 :: 2008-01-20 :: 22
Windowscare 2 :: 2008-10-20 :: 57
Windowscare 2 Professional :: 2008-07-14 :: 15
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.220 :: 2010-05-27 :: 33
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.220 :: 2010-09-06 :: 37
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.263 :: 2010-09-06
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.269 :: 2010-09-06 :: 100
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.269 :: 2010-10-11 :: 33
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.296 :: 2010-10-13 :: 0
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.302 :: 2010-11-24 :: 100
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.310 :: 2010-12-07 :: 100
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.340 :: 2011-01-31 :: 100
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.103 :: 2010-03-22 :: 28
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.122 :: 2010-04-10 :: 46
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.57 :: 2009-09-10 :: 55
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.65 :: 2009-10-12 :: 66
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.69 :: 2009-10-12 :: 37
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.77 :: 2009-12-08 :: 25

serial key & unloc the world microsoft win 7

Serial key dan unloc the world
<<  1   2   3   4  5   6   7   >>

Windows 7 Ultimate x86 64-Bit GoMode :: 2010-02-05 :: 41
Windows 7 UltimateAcer :: 2010-11-25 :: 25
Windows 7 UltimateDell :: 2010-11-25 :: 21
Windows 7 VLK :: 2011-01-25 :: 15
Windows 7 x86 (32bit) beta key :: 2009-01-11 :: 22
Windows 95 :: 2005-01-25 :: 71
WINDOWS 98 SECOND EDITION :: 2005-03-23 :: 73
Windows 98 Segunda Edicion :: 2007-12-20 :: 71
Windows And Internet Cleaner Pro 4.0 :: 2005-05-21 :: 61
Windows and internet cleaner pro v4 :: 2006-01-23 :: 36
Windows And Internet Cleaner Pro v4.0 :: 2005-06-22 :: 60
Windows And Internet Cleaner Pro v5.6 :: 2006-07-31 :: 66
Windows Anti-Virus Mate :: 2009-07-02 :: 22
Windows Anytime Upgrade (windows 7 only) :: 2010-06-04 :: 60
Windows Anytime Upgrade (Windows 7 only) :: 2010-06-04 :: 83
Windows Anytime Upgrade (windows 7) :: 2010-06-04 :: 50
Windows blinds 4.0 :: 2010-02-26 :: 0
Windows Blinds 4.4 :: 2005-01-03 :: 43
Windows Blinds 4.x :: 2008-02-25 :: 15
Windows blinds 6.0 :: 2009-10-09 :: 28
Windows Cleanman v3.7 :: 2010-05-27 :: 57
Windows Crystal XP 2007 Legall CZ :: 2007-09-29 :: 57
Windows Doctor 1.6 :: 2008-02-19 :: 66
Windows Doctor 1.7 :: 2007-12-06 :: 80
Windows Doctor Professional Edition 2009 Full v2.0 :: 2008-10-16 :: 88
Windows Doctor v2 :: 2008-11-14 :: 91
Windows Doctor v2.0 :: 2008-10-16 :: 76
Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (plug-in for Visual Studio 2005) :: 2011-03-11 :: 77
Windows Enterprise :: 2011-06-03
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs :: 2006-08-09 :: 90
WIndows Genuine (NEW) :: 2005-08-08 :: 24
Windows Genuine Advantage Valid Code :: 2008-09-23 :: 43
Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Code :: 2005-12-04 :: 31
Windows Genuine Download Key :: 2007-01-25 :: 48
Windows genuine key for Microsoft Download Centre :: 2009-04-04 :: 57
Windows genuine notification :: 2006-07-30 :: 47
Windows Genuine Validation Tool :: 2006-01-23 :: 32
Windows Grep 2.3.0 :: 2005-11-21 :: 50
Windows Grep :: 2006-01-31 :: 67
Windows Home Server :: 2009-04-21 :: 25
Windows home server :: 2011-05-02 :: 3
Windows Home Server Technet :: 2010-03-16 :: 17
Windows Home Server Vail 2011 Build 7601 RC :: 2011-02-23 :: 2
Windows Internet Explorer 7 :: 2008-02-19 :: 65
Windows IP And Socket Monitor 3.2 :: 2005-01-23 :: 61
Windows Keylogger 5.3 :: 2005-02-01 :: 68
Windows Live Mail Backup v2.6 :: 2008-06-11 :: 58
Windows Live Messenger :: 2007-08-20 :: 26
Windows live messenger 8 :: 2007-08-20 :: 16
Windows Live Messenger 8.0 :: 2007-04-26 :: 18
Windows live messenger 8.1 :: 2007-12-03 :: 36
Windows live messenger 8.5.1288.816 deta 2 :: 2007-10-27 :: 22
Windows Live OneCare :: 2008-01-20 :: 14
Windows Live OneCare OEM Software :: 2009-06-16 :: 12
Windows longhorn :: 2006-10-29 :: 40
Windows Longhorn 40 CD-keys ALL :: 2005-01-23 :: 41
Windows Longhorn 5048 Beta :: 2005-05-03 :: 58
Windows Longhorn build 5048 :: 2005-05-03 :: 51
Windows longhorne build 5259 :: 2005-12-15 :: 49
Windows Lotto Pro 2008 :: 2008-09-14 :: 18
Windows Mail Backup v1.6 :: 2007-10-04 :: 25
Windows ME br :: 2005-01-11 :: 37
WINDOWS ME GREEK :: 2005-01-23 :: 50
Windows ME Millenium Edition German :: 2008-08-14 :: 49
Windows Media Center :: 2007-07-01 :: 35
Windows Media Center (Working Key) :: 2008-01-20 :: 22
Windows Media Center Edition 2005 German :: 2005-01-23 :: 11
Windows media playe11 :: 2007-08-20 :: 45
Windows media player 11 :: 2005-07-04 :: 49
Windows Media Player 2006 :: 2006-04-19 :: 55
Windows Media Player Dolby Surround II Plugin * :: 2008-11-10 :: 62
Windows Media Player Dolby Surround II Plugin :: 2007-04-27 :: 51
Windows media player11 :: 2007-12-19 :: 45
Windows Media Recorder PRO v4.0-Lz0 :: 2006-08-25 :: 36
Windows Media Recorder v3.1-Lz0 :: 2006-07-03 :: 34
Windows Millenium :: 2005-11-14 :: 51
Windows millennium :: 2005-07-22 :: 36
Windows Millennium Edition GER :: 2005-01-29 :: 26
Windows Mobile 5.0 PPC Phone Edition w/Outlook 2002 :: 2007-02-01 :: 61
Windows Office 2007 Enterprise :: 2007-04-22 :: 30
Windows Office XP 2007 :: 2006-08-16 :: 21
Windows Password Analyser 1.0 :: 2006-03-05 :: 45
Windows Password Expert 1.1 :: 2006-03-05 :: 36
Windows Password Expert 1.2 :: 2006-03-07 :: 44
Windows Player 11 :: 2009-11-06 :: 25
Windows Security Officer v7.5.5.4 :: 2011-01-30 :: 0
Windows server datacenter 2003 br :: 2005-07-13 :: 25
Windows Server 2003 - Standard :: 2005-11-03 :: 39
Windows Server 2003 32 BIT :: 2010-01-04 :: 47
Windows Server 2003 All :: 2005-04-30 :: 32
Windows Server 2003 Ent. VLK :: 2007-07-09 :: 36
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise :: 2008-02-11 :: 35
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition :: 2007-02-26 :: 54
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (RC2) :: 2006-07-10 :: 14
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Español :: 2005-01-25 :: 29
Windows Server 2003 Family Edition :: 2007-01-12 :: 32
Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition :: 2006-02-21 :: 26
Windows Server 2003 SBS Evaluation PL :: 2005-07-18 :: 20
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition PL :: 2005-05-10 :: 25
Windows Server 2003 Trail 2003 :: 2005-01-03 :: 35
Windows Server 2003 upd :: 2006-06-22 :: 42
Windows server 2003 Volume Licence :: 2005-01-23 :: 45
Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions (Volume License) :: 2006-07-10 :: 39
Windows server 2008 :: 2010-02-05 :: 12
Windows Server 2008 :: 2009-09-21 :: 8
Windows Server 2008 Data Ctr/Itan :: 2010-01-26 :: 43
Windows Server 2008 Ent/Web/Std/DC :: 2010-01-04 :: 32
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise :: 2008-04-04 :: 50
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise :: 2009-09-21 :: 11
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition :: 2007-10-07 :: 28
Windows Server 2008 R2 MAK Key :: 2009-12-28 :: 34
Windows Server 2008 R2 Technet :: 2010-03-16 :: 18
Windows server 2008 stand :: 2009-07-03 :: 13
Windows Server 2008 Std/Ent :: 2010-01-26 :: 24
Windows Server 2008 Technet :: 2010-03-16 :: 20
Windows Serwer 2008 RC1 :: 2007-12-25 :: 24
Windows Seven :: 2009-01-13 :: 21
Windows Seven - W. BT - vistaSeven 2009 :: 2009-03-22 :: 20
Windows Seven Pro :: 2010-11-24 :: 36
Windows Seven RC 1 :: 2009-05-07 :: 11
Windows seven ultimate 7100 build :: 2009-08-10 :: 12
Windows Small Business 2003 RC2 :: 2007-12-19 :: 35
Windows Smoker Professional 7Smoker Pro 1.2 :: 2010-09-23 :: 23
Windows Sniper :: 2006-07-02 :: 61
Windows starter :: 2011-04-12 :: 46
Windows Supporter Power Memory Booster v6.1.0.3841 :: 2008-12-12 :: 60
Windows Supporter Power Memory Booster v6.1.0.3862 :: 2009-08-18 :: 80
Windows Supporter Power Software Wiper v5.0.1.3 :: 2009-08-18 :: 66
Windows Terminal Services FTP v4.0.1.5 :: 2007-12-16 :: 35
Windows tools 1.0.1a :: 2010-08-17 :: 0
Windows Validation Code 07.01.2006 :: 2006-07-02 :: 33
Windows Viata Ultimate Serial Original :: 2008-12-31 :: 29
Windows Vista :: 2007-03-26 :: 25
Windows Vista (TM) Build 6000 :: 2007-01-29 :: 16
Windows Vista (TM) Hom Premium CD Key :: 2009-12-13 :: 25
Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium :: 2007-05-22 :: 21
Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium CD Key :: 2011-01-27 :: 19
Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium CD Key :: 2009-05-03 :: 22
Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate :: 2010-04-02 :: 28
Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate CD Key :: 2011-01-27 :: 21
Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate CD Key :: 2009-05-03 :: 24
Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate CD Key: 6F2D7-2PCG6-YQQTB-FWK9V-932CC :: 2009-09-29 :: 30
Windows vista ,longhorn server and IE 7 beta (2) :: 2006-01-04 :: 36
Windows Vista - Business :: 2008-04-21 :: 24
Windows vista 2006 :: 2005-09-15 :: 16
Windows Vista 2006 Final :: 2006-12-26 :: 39
Windows vista 2007 final release :: 2006-12-13 :: 15
Windows VISTA 2010 (original) :: 2009-02-24 :: 22
Windows Vista 2pro :: 2007-02-14 :: 24
Windows Vista 32Bit Build 5308 :: 2006-10-14 :: 23
Windows Vista 5231 :: 2006-01-26 :: 13
Windows Vista 5365 :: 2006-04-28 :: 44
Windows VISTA 6.00 :: 2006-09-01 :: 11
windows vista : BUSINESS :: 2007-10-28 :: 29
windows vista : HOME BASIC :: 2007-10-28 :: 29
windows vista : HOME PREMIUM :: 2007-10-28 :: 44
windows vista : ULTIMATE :: 2007-10-28 :: 29
Windows VISTA all wersions! :: 2009-02-24 :: 21
Windows Vista Beta 1 (Longhorn 5112) :: 2005-08-02 :: 42
Windows Vista Beta 2 :: 2006-07-04 :: 44
Windows vista beta 2 build 5342 2006 :: 2006-06-08 :: 16
Windows Vista Beta1 :: 2005-08-02 :: 45
Windows vista beta2 :: 2006-05-12 :: 49
Windows Vista Build 5231 CTP x64 :: 2006-02-14 :: 26
Windows Vista Build 5270 Cl :: 2005-12-28 :: 48
Windows Vista Build 5270 Serv :: 2005-12-28 :: 30
Windows Vista Build 5342 :: 2006-03-27 :: 52
Windows Vista Build 5384 :: 2006-05-28 :: 52
Windows Vista Build 5600 :: 2007-01-06 :: 12
Windows vista build 6000 :: 2007-11-28 :: 8
Windows Vista Built 5384 Public Beta :: 2006-06-13 :: 10
Windows Vista Buld 5308 CTP :: 2006-03-01 :: 49
Windows Vista Business :: 2010-03-16 :: 24
Windows Vista Business :: 2007-05-23 :: 23
Windows Vista Business :: 2009-03-04 :: 19
Windows vista business :: 2009-06-27 :: 25
Windows Vista Business :: 2009-07-27 :: 27
Windows Vista Business IT WORKS REALY!!! :: 2009-11-11 :: 5
Windows Vista Business N :: 2009-07-16 :: 18
Windows Vista Business OEMAct HP :: 2011-04-12 :: 28
Windows Vista Bussines GERMAN :: 2007-12-01 :: 33
Windows Vista Enterprise :: 2007-01-06 :: 24
Windows Vista Enterprise :: 2011-03-16 :: 16
Windows Vista Final :: 2006-12-04 :: 33
Windows Vista Final 2006 :: 2006-11-12 :: 37
Windows Vista Hame Premium OEMAct GERMANY :: 2009-08-31 :: 32
Windows Vista Home Basic :: 2007-05-03 :: 26
Windows vista home basic :: 2011-03-21 :: 9
Windows Vista Home Basic :: 2009-03-12 :: 20
Windows vista home basic :: 2009-04-21 :: 8
Windows Vista Home Basic :: 2009-05-03 :: 19
Windows Vista Home Basic 32Bit :: 2008-06-10 :: 25
Windows Vista Home Place :: 2007-02-10 :: 21
Windows Vista Home Premium :: 2010-10-19 :: 4
Windows Vista Home Premium :: 2007-08-29 :: 21
Windows Vista Home Premium :: 2011-03-16 :: 18
Windows Vista Home Premium :: 2009-03-22 :: 15
Windows vista home premium :: 2009-06-27 :: 19
Windows Vista Home Premium 32BIT :: 2008-06-02 :: 17
Windows Vista Home Premium Fujitsu Siemens Orgi. :: 2011-03-11 :: 11
Windows Vista Home Premium german SP3 original genuine serial :: 2009-06-15 :: 25
Windows Vista Home Premium OEM :: 2010-05-13 :: 24
Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 :: 2009-08-05 :: 18
Windows Vista Home Premium SP1(HP) :: 2009-02-06 :: 17
Windows Vista Home Premium Upgrade (Academic) :: 2007-09-10 :: 24
Windows Vista HomeBasic :: 2007-05-21 :: 24
windows vista HomePremium :: 2007-05-21 :: 21
Windows Vista Life :: 2008-01-20 :: 21
Windows vista lite 2006 :: 2008-02-06 :: 41
WINDOWS VISTA PL :: 2007-03-18 :: 60
Windows Vista PRE-RTM 5840 :: 2006-11-02 :: 30
Windows Vista Premium :: 2008-02-04 :: 26
Windows Vista Premium :: 2009-03-16 :: 32
Windows Vista PT BR + Office.2007.Enterprise.PT.BR :: 2007-02-28 :: 24
Windows Vista RC 1 Build 5600 :: 2006-09-24 :: 27
Windows Vista RC1 :: 2007-02-10 :: 21
Windows Vista RC1 32bit :: 2006-09-08 :: 42
Windows Vista RC1 5600 :: 2006-11-25 :: 29
Windows Vista RC1 August 2006 :: 2007-07-11 :: 20
Windows Vista RC2 build 5744 :: 2006-10-30 :: 42
Windows Vista Release Candidate 1 :: 2006-09-19 :: 30
Windows Vista Release Candidate 1 5600.16384.060829-2230_x86 :: 2006-09-19 :: 37
Windows Vista RTM (6000) install :: 2006-11-22 :: 34
Windows Vista Starter :: 2011-03-16 :: 48
Windows Vista starter service pack one :: 2008-11-17 :: 51
Windows Vista Ultimate :: 2007-07-19 :: 22
Windows Vista Ultimate :: 2010-11-26 :: 17
Windows Vista Ultimate :: 2009-01-26 :: 10
Windows Vista Ultimate :: 2009-05-03 :: 20
Windows Vista Ultimate 6.0.6000 :: 2007-06-05 :: 20
Windows Vista Ultimate (all languages) :: 2007-05-21 :: 27
Windows Vista Ultimate (RUS) :: 2007-03-13 :: 28
Windows Vista Ultimate (Working) Better Get it before someone else does! :: 2008-10-13 :: 17
Windows Vista Ultimate - Product Keys :: 2009-05-03 :: 43
Windows Vista Ultimate 64 :: 2007-11-11 :: 10
Windows Vista Ultimate PL :: 2007-04-06 :: 26
Windows Vista Ultimate PTBR :: 2007-07-04 :: 21
windows vista ultimate sp2 v113 :: 2009-01-26 :: 20
Windows Vista Ultimate Upgrade Genuine CD KEY :: 2008-06-02 :: 22
Windows Vista Ultimate x64 Deutsch :: 2007-08-20 :: 20
Windows Vista Ultimate [TS] TRIDENTSERIALZ@HOTMAIL.CO.UK :: 2007-08-20 :: 18
Windows vista x64 build 5384 :: 2006-06-22 :: 23
Windows Vista x86 Business :: 2009-02-06 :: 13
Windows Vista(TM) Home Basic :: 2006-11-25 :: 27
Windows Vista-Home Basic :: 2008-04-21 :: 20
Windows vistar starter :: 2010-01-30 :: 52
Windows washer :: 2006-09-13 :: 32
Windows Web Server 2008 :: 2010-01-26 :: 26
Windows Wista Beta :: 2006-05-24 :: 27
Windows wiXP :: 2005-05-21 :: 48
Windows Xp :: 2005-03-20 :: 24
Windows XP Home Edition German :: 2010-01-26 :: 33
Windows XP (Corporiate) :: 2009-03-06 :: 45
Windows XP (Korean) :: 2007-10-27 :: 29
Windows XP (Professional) Service Pack 2, v.2096 :: 2008-08-11 :: 30
Windows XP (work in all versions) :: 2011-03-16 :: 13
Windows xp 2005 :: 2005-01-25 :: 21
Windows XP 2010 :: 2010-11-21 :: 5
Windows xP 4.0 :: 2009-03-16 :: 26
Windows XP 5.1.2600 :: 2006-03-05 :: 15
Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1 :: 2006-03-07 :: 27
Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 :: 2006-03-07 :: 30
Windows xp 64 :: 2006-03-05 :: 12
Windows XP 64 Bit (AMD) :: 2005-05-03 :: 32
Windows XP 64 bits Professional :: 2010-06-23 :: 41
Windows Xp 64-bit (eng) :: 2005-03-20 :: 9
Windows Xp 64-bit edition :: 2005-03-23 :: 14
Windows XP 64bit (AMD64) :: 2008-10-13 :: 30
Windows XP All Versions :: 2010-02-20 :: 37
Windows XP Brazilian Key :: 2008-03-18 :: 30
Windows XP Corporate :: 2005-12-27 :: 39
Windows Xp Corporate ED. Service Pack 1 :: 2005-01-25 :: 49
Windows XP dell home :: 2005-07-26 :: 23
Windows XP Fundamentals for Legacy PCs (FLP) :: 2009-05-18 :: 70
Windows Xp Genuine :: 2009-12-11 :: 32
Windows Xp Home :: 2009-02-17 :: 36
Windows XP Home :: 2011-02-23 :: 5
Windows XP Home :: 2010-12-28 :: 37
Windows XP Home (Microlink) :: 2011-01-25 :: 0
Windows XP Home Edidtion PL :: 2005-05-21 :: 47
Windows XP Home Edition :: 2010-10-05 :: 44
Windows XP Home Edition :: 2006-10-14 :: 31
Windows XP Home Edition (FINAL) :: 2005-04-30 :: 9
Windows XP Home Edition - VF Version :: 2008-12-12 :: 41
Windows XP home edition and professional edition :: 2009-08-03 :: 25
Windows xp home edition dutch :: 2005-02-05 :: 37
Windows XP Home Edition HP OEM Serial :: 2010-10-29 :: 47
Windows XP Home Edition NEC :: 2009-04-02 :: 25
Windows xp Home Edition Nor :: 2005-01-29 :: 21
Windows XP Home Edition OEM fujitsu siemens computers :: 2009-04-21 :: 33
Windows XP Home Edition S.P.2 TR Version :: 2007-04-26 :: 47
Windows Xp Home Edition SP1(100% Working!) :: 2007-07-01 :: 37
windows xp home edition sp2 :: 2005-06-13 :: 30
Windows xp home edition spanish :: 2005-01-23 :: 38
Windows Xp Home Edition Upgrade :: 2008-06-10 :: 36
Windows XP Home Edition [ASUS] :: 2009-02-17 :: 23
Windows XP Home Editon :: 2011-04-12 :: 50
Windows xp home full original :: 2005-07-13 :: 31
Windows XP Home Hellenic SP2 :: 2005-01-29 :: 51
Windows XP Home Retail(Internet Source) :: 2008-04-03 :: 20
Windows XP Home SP3 :: 2010-03-16 :: 41
Windows XP Media Center :: 2010-09-05 :: 44
Windows XP Media Center :: 2008-04-04 :: 27
Windows XP Media Center 2002 (MCE) :: 2008-10-13 :: 7
Windows XP Media Center 2005 :: 2008-09-14 :: 32
Windows XP Media Center 2005 SP2 :: 2005-09-26 :: 41
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 :: 2007-03-25 :: 52
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 NL Dutch :: 2006-08-09 :: 38
Windows XP Media Centre 2006 :: 2007-01-14 :: 12
Windows XP Microsoft Genuine :: 2009-10-05 :: 41
Windows XP Mode :: 2010-12-28 :: 0
Windows XP OEM Home Edition 2002 SP1 (working) :: 2006-08-04 :: 30
Windows XP Original SP2 :: 2006-09-08 :: 31
Windows XP Pro :: 2005-05-21 :: 34
Windows XP Pro (x64) :: 2009-07-27 :: 33
Windows Xp Pro + Sp2 :: 2008-01-07 :: 27
Windows XP Pro - SP1 - SP2 :: 2005-01-10 :: 32
Windows XP Pro - SP2/SP3 :: 2010-05-27 :: 39
Windows XP pro 64bit Ed :: 2006-10-14 :: 9
Windows XP Pro 64bit Edition :: 2005-01-23 :: 13
Windows XP Pro and Home *LEGAL KEYS* :: 2005-02-10 :: 31
Windows XP Pro Corporate Br SP2 :: 2005-08-05 :: 39
Windows XP pro Danish :: 2009-01-22 :: 7
Windows XP Pro English :: 2008-06-07 :: 35
Windows XP Pro for Developers :: 2005-01-23 :: 25
Windows xp pro FR :: 2008-11-10 :: 11
Windows XP Pro HUN :: 2005-04-30 :: 37
Windows XP Pro HUN (wxphusp2) :: 2006-07-02 :: 47
Windows XP Pro incl. SP1 :: 2005-04-06 :: 29
Windows XP pro Original CD keys :: 2009-01-11 :: 41
Windows xp pro performance edition dec 2009 :: 2010-02-10 :: 26
Windows XP Pro SP3 :: 2007-10-09 :: 38
Windows xp pro sp3 (vlk) :: 2008-06-10 :: 59
Windows Xp Pro SP3 Extreme Edition IV Pt br Original :: 2008-07-07 :: 40
Windows XP Pro SP3 Genuine Key :: 2008-10-13 :: 30
Windows XP Pro SP3 Integrated Jul 08 With Genuine Key :: 2008-10-13 :: 35
Windows XP Pro TR :: 2005-03-11 :: 22
Windows XP pro v2000 Service Pack 2 :: 2008-09-05 :: 52
Windows XP Pro VLK :: 2008-02-15 :: 43
Windows Xp Pro VLK :: 2010-01-30 :: 33
Windows XP Pro w/SP2 Ita :: 2008-01-07 :: 37
Windows XP Pro X64bit Edition 64 bit FINAL WORKING :: 2005-05-10 :: 41
Windows XP Pro. VLK :: 2007-03-28 :: 20
Windows XP prof 2010.nov. :: 2010-11-05 :: 61
Windows XP Prof. 2 CPU - OEM :: 2007-11-03 :: 9
Windows XP Profesional :: 2005-01-25 :: 31
Windows xp profesional con service park 2 :: 2006-01-04 :: 26
Windows XP Profesional Service Pack 1 :: 2005-01-25 :: 42
windows xp profesional version2002 service pack 2 :: 2008-05-23 :: 20
Windows XP Profesional+Service Pack 2 (Corporate Edition) :: 2005-03-17 :: 35
Windows Xp Professional :: 2007-02-26 :: 35
Windows XP Professional :: 2010-02-05 :: 44
Windows XP Professional (Corp Edition) (6in1) GBJinc. :: 2006-06-23 :: 8
Windows XP Professional (SP 3) :: 2007-01-30 :: 8
Windows XP Professional (volume license) :: 2007-03-18 :: 48
Windows XP Professional - VLK - Angola :: 2009-12-11 :: 35
Windows XP Professional 1 - 2CPU OEM Product :: 2011-02-07 :: 47
Windows XP Professional 1-2 cpu HP :: 2010-02-10 :: 51
Windows XP Professional 1-2 CPU OEM E85-00913 :: 2005-05-12 :: 58
Windows Xp Professional 2011 :: 2011-01-25 :: 26
Windows Xp Professional 64 Bit Edition :: 2006-02-15 :: 30
Windows XP Professional 64-bit :: 2008-01-24 :: 55
Windows XP Professional 64-bit 64 :: 2009-02-06 :: 44
Windows XP Professional Cooperate UK :: 2006-02-24 :: 38
Windows XP Professional Corp WGA :: 2006-02-19 :: 37
Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition :: 2007-08-31 :: 56
Windows XP Professional Corporate Edition :: 2010-11-03 :: 31
Windows Xp Professional Dell -Legit :: 2008-12-12 :: 35
Windows XP Professional French :: 2007-01-09 :: 31
Windows XP Professional Media Center Edition :: 2009-09-04 :: 38
Windows Xp Professional National Instruments Version :: 2009-10-11 :: 27
Windows XP professional No-SP :: 2009-06-15 :: 40
Windows XP Professional OEM Original Key (Recovery HP, Siemens, Dell etc.) :: 2010-03-22 :: 60
Windows Xp Professional Original Key! :: 2010-12-09 :: 34
windows xp professional service pack 2 :: 2008-02-04 :: 41
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Volume License) :: 2007-03-18 :: 46
Windows XP Professional sp.2 original :: 2009-10-08 :: 40
Windows XP Professional SP2 :: 2007-03-22 :: 30
Windows XP Professional SP2 (Genuine i Promise) :: 2007-04-27 :: 36
Windows XP Professional SP2 Corp :: 2007-02-22 :: 45
Windows XP Professional SP2 Español :: 2007-07-01 :: 50
Windows XP Professional SP2 ORIGINALSERIENNUMMER :: 2008-10-13 :: 42
Windows XP professional sp2 Poland :: 2007-01-06 :: 38
Windows xp professional sp2 v. 2002 :: 2005-02-17 :: 23
Windows XP Professional SP2-SP3 :: 2009-11-17 :: 32
Windows XP Professional SP3 :: 2008-04-28 :: 44
Windows Xp Professional SP3 :: 2009-12-13 :: 77
Windows XP Professional SP3 2008 :: 2010-11-05 :: 55
Windows XP Professional SP3 PL :: 2009-10-15 :: 28
Windows XP Professional SP3 (Original) :: 2010-07-23 :: 37
Windows XP Professional SP3 *Deutsch* :: 2009-01-11 :: 42
Windows XP Professional SP3 Portugal-Portuguese :: 2008-10-13 :: 43
Windows XP Professional SP3 V.5512 Final :: 2008-06-22 :: 29
Windows XP Professional Toshiba bundle :: 2006-02-26 :: 35
Windows XP Professional VLK :: 2009-04-21 :: 49
Windows XP Professional VLM :: 2010-02-05 :: 47
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 Español :: 2009-09-29 :: 22
Windows xp professional x 64 version 5.2.3790.3959 :: 2009-04-05 :: 11
Windows XP Professional x64 (Working) :: 2008-06-21 :: 31
Windows XP Professional x64 Corporate Edition :: 2005-12-01 :: 59
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition :: 2010-02-13 :: 43
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition :: 2007-03-22 :: 20
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition - Download Quantity: 1 :: 2005-02-05 :: 14
Windows XP Professional X86 :: 2008-05-21 :: 26
Windows XP Professional [PL/ENG] :: 2009-02-28 :: 25
Windows XP Professional(SP2,SP1) :: 2008-04-21 :: 46
Windows XP Professionnel FR :: 2006-07-16 :: 23
Windows xp profissional sp2 :: 2007-03-28 :: 40
Windows XP rus Corporate :: 2005-12-27 :: 32
Windows XP Service Pack (3) :: 2009-10-08 :: 58
Windows Xp Service Pack 2 :: 2006-09-19 :: 40
Windows XP Service Pack 2 Professional :: 2007-04-26 :: 43
Windows XP Service Pack 2 SP2 GERMAN :: 2006-05-31 :: 23
Windows Xp Service Pack 3 :: 2011-02-14 :: 21
Windows XP Service Pack 3 español :: 2010-01-26 :: 46
Windows XP Service Pack 3 SERIAL :: 2009-01-26 :: 35
Windows XP SP 2 (works with windows update) :: 2007-12-07 :: 42
Windows Xp Sp 3 Genuine :: 2009-03-25 :: 31
Windows Xp SP1 to SP 2 All Version :: 2005-08-18 :: 20
Windows XP SP1/2 work on CZ/EN :: 2005-04-30 :: 39
Windows XP SP2 :: 2007-03-10 :: 30
WINDOWS XP SP2 !!Legalize!! :: 2007-09-16 :: 36
Windows Xp Sp2 ( all in one) :: 2005-11-14 :: 25
Windows XP SP2 (German) :: 2006-01-04 :: 24
Windows xp sp2 build 5.1.2600 (Genuine) :: 2006-11-27 :: 28
Windows XP SP2 Esp [Omarux64] :: 2006-07-10 :: 26
Windows XP SP2 Español :: 2006-05-03 :: 47
Windows XP SP2 PL professional :: 2007-01-06 :: 9
Windows Xp SP2 Pro :: 2007-04-17 :: 17
Windows xp sp2 TR :: 2006-02-06 :: 47
Windows XP SP2 Validado :: 2007-04-15 :: 27
Windows xp sp2- genuine key :: 2007-06-14 :: 29
Windows XP SP2b :: 2007-07-01 :: 8
Windows xp sp3 :: 2008-06-10 :: 34
Windows XP SP3 :: 2009-02-06 :: 18
Windows Xp Sp3 v.3244 :: 2007-12-29 :: 13
Windows Xp SP3 100% Genuine :: 2008-09-23 :: 33
Windows XP SP3 By_LO_L :: 2009-08-31 :: 38
Windows xp sp3 cz :: 2008-05-12 :: 40
Windows Xp sp3 Deutsch 2002 :: 2009-02-28 :: 6
Windows XP SP3 OEM 32bit :: 2008-11-06 :: 41
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition :: 2009-06-04 :: 41
Windows XP Third Edition With SP2 :: 2005-12-01 :: 25
Windows Xp Ultimate Edition 2007 :: 2007-08-20 :: 18
Windows XP used in schools. :: 2009-10-07 :: 33
Windows XP VLK :: 2005-05-21 :: 34
Windows XP VLK Genuine :: 2010-05-25 :: 11
Windows XP Volume License :: 2010-02-05 :: 61
Windows XP x 64 edition :: 2006-12-11 :: 34
Windows XP x64 :: 2005-12-19 :: 51
Windows XP x64 bit edition :: 2005-11-11 :: 23
Windows XP x64 Corporate Genuine CD KEY :: 2008-07-01 :: 69
Windows XP x64BiT Professional :: 2005-05-30 :: 43
Windows7 Home Edition32 :: 2010-02-26 :: 20
Windows7 ultimate :: 2011-01-13 :: 22
Windows7 Ultimate 32/64 :: 2010-09-05 :: 15
Windows7 Ultimate 32/64 :: 2009-11-06 :: 30
WIndows7 Ultimate 64bit ENG :: 2011-03-16 :: 14
windows98 :: 2006-10-02 :: 46
windowsBlind :: 2009-04-21 :: 27
Windowsblinds 4.5 :: 2005-03-20 :: 39
Windowsblinds 5 :: 2008-01-20 :: 22
Windowscare 2 :: 2008-10-20 :: 57
Windowscare 2 Professional :: 2008-07-14 :: 15
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.220 :: 2010-05-27 :: 33
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.220 :: 2010-09-06 :: 37
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.263 :: 2010-09-06
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.269 :: 2010-09-06 :: 100
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.269 :: 2010-10-11 :: 33
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.296 :: 2010-10-13 :: 0
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.302 :: 2010-11-24 :: 100
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.310 :: 2010-12-07 :: 100
WindowsCare Memory Improve Ultimate v5.2.1.340 :: 2011-01-31 :: 100
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.103 :: 2010-03-22 :: 28
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.122 :: 2010-04-10 :: 46
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.57 :: 2009-09-10 :: 55
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.65 :: 2009-10-12 :: 66
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.69 :: 2009-10-12 :: 37
WindowsCare Technology Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.77 :: 2009-12-08 :: 25
